
Showing posts from November, 2023

Neolib Kamala Liz Warren, free of neocon + neolib cope from stpdol

 **I am ok with Kamala Harris (pre VP) and Elizabeth Warren's progressive Tulsi Gabbard 'dove/hawk schizo' neoliberalism (that is free of the right wing and blue dog 2010s 2020s neoconservativism) More info on Neoliberalism and cope

Neolib Neocon birthed Alt right (from leftist reddit)

 Well, here's the thing, is it’s more than easy to not be deceived by the dogwhistles and see who is racist. The more perilous thing however is neoliberalism and neoconservatism, two types of ideologies that have birthed the alt-right and Donald Trump.  Neoliberalism and neoconservatism have become mainstreamed. These two ideologies are also bad. The alt right are literal snakes, yet neoliberals are snakes in the grass. Covert racism is more deplorable than overt racism. The veils slides off with the alt right, the veil though doesn’t slide off as easily with the lamestream neoliberals

Vade lelew

My  Va lu e s  (from two diff blog sphere) More of my values  here  and here I do not hold any reactionary social views by 1990s standards. I am against such reactionary views. I am Anti reactionary In part due to the inner Ego Anarchist in me, I support Pro Western Leftism and fraternalism I like people BECAUSE they are different (see lifestyle blog for more). I am a diversity enthusiast and fanboy.     I have a diversity fetish and I fetishize marginalized people  ⸮  But  this article  keeps me from going too far in my diversity enthusiasm and solid liking of diversity I follow the 2 commandments mentioned here (or I try, A for Effort): 34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greates


Neo Nazism as mentioned here Strains of so called Post Fascism like:     Democratic Fascism Liberally defined  Liberal Fascism   Atlanticism   Anti-Communism Liberal-Democrat Hypocritical Tyranny and New Democrat Political Machine nRX Like so many political insults, the term "fascism" is now thrown around so recklessly and casually that it's been drained identifiable meaning. At most, it means: "someone whose views I dislike." But one fixed, defining attribute is the formal union of state and corporate power: Quote Mythinformed @MythinformedMKE · Feb 14 Joe Rogan asks @mtaibbi if anything surprised him about the government censorship efforts uncovered by the Twitter Files.   "I thought maybe they had an advisory role, but we find [instead] it's very formalized ... an intense structure ... a really big bureaucracy". Speaking of fascism: an appellate court just largely upheld a lower court ruling t

Ente Ablre

 On antifascism Antifascism has the advantage that it is not defined positively, so you don't have to do the work of articulating a political program, or what that might look like in the current period. It's defined negatively and it's defined against things that are self-evidently bad. And at the same time, those things that are bad are also understood in liberal terms; the fascists are hostile to diversity, they're repressive of minorities, they're racist and exclusionary -- all of which are true, but also misconstrue the historical purpose of fascism in the 20th century, which was an overriding hostility to the worker's movement. This liberal framing helps explain its appeal: its absence of content, or a content that is given by a kind of easy liberalism which can be taken in from the contemporary status quo and without requiring anyone to make any effort to put forward a political vision of the future. I oppose Fascism like ShitReformistssay's ( stupidp

Exh newowklsfdj

In this summary blog sphere, all ideologies and views I criticize are the views below in the 'I am against these ideologies' section but with different , interchangeable names that I use in my other blog spheres such as here / here , here - here / here , here , here , here   My political pet peeves I am against these ideologies:  Spooks  (Egoism term) and Fordist spectrum ideologies such as Capitalism (I am An ti Cap italism , see here , here , here  etc for more), Freemasonry (I am An ti   Ma sonr y ) Globalization  (I am Anti Globalization ) , Globalism  (I am a S tr ateg ic Aut o lationist  who is  Anti Globalism ), Cult ural   Imp erialism  (I am Cou nter Cultural Imperialism  see here for more ),  Cultural Globalization  (I am Anti Cultural Globalization) Co nsu merism  (I am Anti Consumerism ), State Apparatus   Establishment  (I support Fusionary Positive Populism ) , Imperialism (I am a  Non-interventionist  who is  Anti Imperialism ), Colonialism (I am a  Postcolon

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I model my Radical Feminism after  Andrea Dworkin  that is moderated by the types of gender views by Ecstatic-Okra9869's post and the DGG comment replies to it in this Destiny subreddit thread If any of my feminist or menslibs views depart too far from such ideology above then to all Andrea Dworking radfems and DGGers like in the above post and comments, please CALL ME IN  and tell me how I can move my views on said view to where ya'll are on it

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New Lab our Zio ni sm / Cultural Trotskyist - Irving Kristol inspired Ne oc on servati sm (including Liberal Israeli Hawkery )  and Israeli Imperialism Stanford University › file by SI AYZENBERG · 2020 — 2 Bolshevik Zionism in 1919 ... Bolshevik Zionism. As clear indication of the extent to which the ESDRP-Poale Zion joined the. Bolshevik cause ... Why Is Israel So Expensive? Blame Its Founding Fathers Haaretz › Israel News › Business May 11, 2022 — ... Bolshevik Zionism, who spoke in high language about social justice and brotherhood of peoples, did talk about their state of distress,” he ... The Independent - Pius XII was sometimes known as... Facebook › TheIndependentOnline › posts 4 años. 1. Ver respuesta anterior. Ray Lev. Bolshevik Zionism is a disease. 4 años. Sanjiv Gupta. the truth will not come out. west rules media. 4 años. The Ideology Paradox Haaretz › ty-article › the-i

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 Israeli Arab  Islamism / Palestinian Semetic Nationalism

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More'as moral

 I go beyond and also critique morality . I either (1) do a moral nihilist critique of morality/reified values/moralism. Or (2) I take a subjective ethics of ambiguity viewpoint. Or (3) I talk of morality from an entirely different foundation. Morality is a system of reified, abstract values, values which are taken out of any context, set in stone, and then converted into unquestionable beliefs to be applied regardless of a someone’s true desires, thoughts or goals, regardless of the situation in which a person finds themself in.  Moralism is the practice of reducing living values to reified morals, and also of considering oneself better than others because that person has subjected himself or herself to morality (self-righteousness), and of proselytizing for the adoption of morality as a social change tool. When a person’s eyes are opened by scandals or disillusionment and they begin to dig down below the ideological surface and they received ideas that they have taken for granted the


    Palestine Liberationism

Polce sldsweoiweoi

   #cc7100 Allyship March for Israel Bipartisan Pro Israelism  ( archive   here ) Benjamin Netanyahu economic Post Zionism + his hard right Zionist Israeli coalition in 2021- German Left Wing Conservatism Rage Against War Libertarian Left Party coalition   Factions of the grassroots left  Pro Palestine   SJWism Young Progressive Left (moral dogma glitched) Alternative Modernist  Collectivist  Liberalism Left Zionist S cepticism   Collapse   Anti-Imperialism Anti Theocratic TransNational Imperialism Aktion   Arab Socialism   Ba'athism   Democratic Socialism   /  Democratic Socialists of America  (key chapters)   Left-Wing Nationalism   Marxism–Leninism   Progressivism   Marxism-Leninism  - Most of your modern followers are Left Wing Non Zionists or Left Zionist Scepticists? EPIC!   Anti-Imperialism  - Israel is a settler-colonial state!   Gaddafism  - LIBYA STRONK AGAINST ZIONISTS!   Ba'athism  -    Bundism  , National Judaism and    Jewish Anarchism   Pacifism  - NO BLOOD FOR O