In this summary blog sphere, all ideologies and views I criticize are the views below in the 'I am against these ideologies' section but with different , interchangeable names that I use in my other blog spheres such as here / here , here - here / here , here , here , here My political pet peeves I am against these ideologies: Spooks (Egoism term) and Fordist spectrum ideologies such as Capitalism (I am An ti Cap italism , see here , here , here etc for more), Freemasonry (I am An ti Ma sonr y ) Globalization (I am Anti Globalization ) , Globalism (I am a S tr ateg ic Aut o lationist who is Anti Globalism ), Cult ural Imp erialism (I am Cou nter Cultural Imperialism see here for more ), Cultural Globalization (I am Anti Cultural Globalization) Co nsu merism (I am Anti Consumerism ), State Apparatus Establishment (I support Fusionary Positive Populism ) , Imperialism (I am a...