Exh newowklsfdj

In this summary blog sphere, all ideologies and views I criticize are the views below in the 'I am against these ideologies' section but with different , interchangeable names that I use in my other blog spheres such as here/here, here-here/here, here, here, here

 My political pet peeves

I am against these ideologies: 

Spooks (Egoism term) and Fordist spectrum ideologies such as

Capitalism (I am Anti Capitalism, see here, here, here etc for more), Freemasonry (I am Anti Masonry)

Globalization (I am Anti Globalization) , Globalism (I am a Strategic Autolationist who is Anti Globalism), Cultural Imperialism (I am Counter Cultural Imperialism see here for more), Cultural Globalization (I am Anti Cultural Globalization)

Consumerism (I am Anti Consumerism), State Apparatus Establishment (I support Fusionary Positive Populism) , Imperialism (I am a Non-interventionist who is Anti Imperialism), Colonialism (I am a Postcolonial Feminist who is Anti Colonialism including me being against Anti LGBTQ Historic Colonialism), Anti NATO (and Anti Settler Colonialism [i.e I am a Postcolonial Anarchist)

Bourgeois Systematic Ruling Class , New Age Leftism (I am a Retro Leftist and 19th Political Theorist)

Elite Northeast Establishment LiberalismZionist Idpol-wokeness (and relatedly Reactionary National Labor Zionism, and Hyperlane Zionism), 

The Cathedral as viewed through the prism of Kevin Carson's New Class theory

Neoliberalism (including Social Neoliberalism variant of reddit Neoliberalism , Washington consensus Neoliberalism, Snake Oil Sales man/woman Neocon-Neoliberalism , Neoliberal Authoritarian 'freedom')

Neoliberal Democratism (see here for more)/Democrat Supremacy, Political Liberalism fused with Cultural Progressivism (PCM)

Neo Conservative Liberalism (most factions, especially Liberal Internationalism), ***Wall Street captured GOP, Establishment Republicans

Westernish DEI Futurist Palestinian Internationalism (including clout-sympPalestinianism stans), Social Justice Anarcho-INGSOC Communalism, America Secondism, Big Pharma systematic historical pro white Settler Colonialism / Conservative Liberal Neo Reactionaryism

**Fascism (I am a Counter Revolutionary Partisan Contrafascist and a Realist Pragmatic Anti Fascist),  downplaying the counter revolutionary nature of Stalinism , revolutionary Communism, and Social Democrats who are too inclined to compromise with the old order, Inequality

*Left Liberalism/Lib SJWism and all related ideologies including:

RadLib (eralism i.e Radical Liberalism), *Post liberal progressivism (like revolutionary progressivenesstransnational progressiveness, PMC progressivism including the PMC Democrat Capitalist Duopoly, Neoli and these type of Liberal botheads), *cultural radicalism , LoT supposed idpollers, essentialists and Capitalism viewed through the lense of the Stupidpol subreddit

I am pro prison abolishment, but as long as prisons exist, I am against slaps on the wrists and hypocritical-inconsistent sentencing. See here for more


Also here are my views on Essentialpol and Intersectioning woke ideologies

I agree with Elon Musk below:

I am against our ancestral anti privacy ,big brother complex


* most of the time except on a very key issue to me Israel-Palestine, and similar based views I agree with them on

**  like ShitFascistsSay opposes Fascism + (from 1st blog)

*** Except JP Morgan, Democratic Party Wall Street since them supporting the GOP moves their corporations rightward which is great since those corporations will never move leftward


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