Anarcho Liberalism
Some people falsely think most Marxists are first world university Trotsyists and Anarcho radlibs. In reality the majority of Communist parties on Earth sustain at least some manner of Marxism-Leninism Anarchists and Libs are perfect for each other. Libs have only destroyed the planet and Anarchists have accomplished next to nothing. But hey they will convince the enemy with some mutual aid /s Anarchism is a radlib ideology There's a reason that essentially all of the worst radlibs are Anarchists. The whole anarchist philosophy is devoted to fighting abstract "hierarchy" instead of materially uplifting the workers, which means that from the outset, Anarchists are operating on an idealist framework instead of from a material framework So what this means is that Anarchism consummately itself to wokeness and the fuzzy radlib conceptions of "oppression" and "struggle". (though Karl Marx, Frederich Engels and Vladimir Lenin use these terms as well! They do...