
Showing posts from March, 2023

Anarcho Liberalism

Some people falsely think most Marxists are first world university Trotsyists and Anarcho radlibs. In reality the majority of Communist parties on Earth sustain at least some manner of Marxism-Leninism Anarchists and Libs are perfect for each other. Libs have only destroyed the planet and Anarchists have accomplished next to nothing.  But hey they will convince the enemy with some mutual aid /s Anarchism is a radlib ideology There's a reason that essentially all of the worst radlibs are Anarchists. The whole anarchist philosophy is devoted to fighting abstract "hierarchy" instead of materially uplifting the workers, which means that from the outset, Anarchists are operating on an idealist framework instead of from a material framework So what this means is that Anarchism consummately itself to wokeness and the fuzzy radlib conceptions of "oppression" and "struggle". (though Karl Marx, Frederich Engels and Vladimir Lenin use these terms as well! They do

Russsza views list

My private and off the record views on Russia-Ukraine: Here is an alternative take  by Dr Jill Stein on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. But this youtube transcript by The Karnavcle (from c 3:00 minute mark to around the 15:00 minute mark) provides a nuanced and articulated counter to that narrative by Dr Jill Stein I do not endorse the US getting involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, just like the Copperheads were did not support the US (i.e Union) going to war with the Confederacy during the Civil War. See here , here , here here , here  and here for more. Also see here  and here   Maybe the US should follow the lead of Austria's extremist right wing party who walked out on Volodomyr Zelesky's  Also see this , which shows that NATO and Ukraine might try to create an Israel like apartheid state which concerns me a lot This is because I am non interventionalist and Anti Imperialist (especially Anti Western Imperialist) etc but also because of this  here  (and due to the mone

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Mostly for counter cultural reasons [i.e to rebel against our lean left societal norms, I am pro Transgender]) M2F must fall into three or more of these categories below and F2M must fall into two or more categories below (mostly for counter cultural reasons [i.e to rebel against our lean left societal norms, I am pro Transgender]) to get their rights and to be recognized as their new gender/sex:   1) They truly defy traditional gender roles and in a way that won’t get harmed by the patriarchy,  2) they are Intersex 3) have X, XXY, XXY or XXXY chromosome(s), or would have had  this chromosome  in the most realistic reality where they were born in that reality  4) they had at least one past life (or will have at least one future life) where they spent their entire life in that past or future life(s) as the gender that they changed to in this life,  5) they have one or more Personality disorders (any type) and can't get cured 6) God considered making them the gender that they changed

NFSW trans views

NFSW private, off the record views The views of gender critical radfems and Terfs are challenging, rigorous, and pioneering (but pioneerism is colonialism and I am anti colonialist). They scrutinize the connections between science, morality, and gender.  They ask the hard questions and their answers have an intellectual quality (or maybe just an intellectual snobbish quality) and ethical integrity so rare, so important, that it causes non gender critical radfem terfs to want to think, to enter into a critical dialogue with their ideas. Though to have positive critical dialogue with toxic things like gender critical radfemmery and terf rhetoric is said by some woke people to be a product of ' white ness ' and I am an enemy of 'whiteness'  But through Afro-pessimism I makes a critical shift in focus by me moving away from the Black/ white binary and reframing it as Black/non-Black, in order to deemphasize the status of whiteness and to center analysis, rather, on the ant