NFSW trans views

NFSW private, off the record views

The views of gender critical radfems and Terfs are challenging, rigorous, and pioneering (but pioneerism is colonialism and I am anti colonialist). They scrutinize the connections between science, morality, and gender. 

They ask the hard questions and their answers have an intellectual quality (or maybe just an intellectual snobbish quality) and ethical integrity so rare, so important, that it causes non gender critical radfem terfs to want to think, to enter into a critical dialogue with their ideas.

Though to have positive critical dialogue with toxic things like gender critical radfemmery and terf rhetoric is said by some woke people to be a product of 'whiteness' and I am an enemy of 'whiteness' 

But through Afro-pessimism I makes a critical shift in focus by me moving away from the Black/ white binary and reframing it as Black/non-Black, in order to deemphasize the status of whiteness and to center analysis, rather, on the anti-Black foundations of race and modern society). So I indiscriminately think critical thinking is good and has nothing to do with whiteness but I digress:

"Because some Trans people are Lesphobes are trying to wrongly erase lesbians I very much empathize with Radical Lesbian Feminists and Radical Feminists(i.e TERFs) critiquing Transgenderism since I believe that is a way to prevent lesbian erasure.   

I very much empathize with Radical Lesbian Feminists and Radical Feminists’ (i.e TERFs) saying that transgender women are an unexpected element to us destroying the sexist Male patriarchy/patriarchy and bringing in true equality between the sexes/genders which is what I want. Transgenderism complicates things   

This is because Transgenderism highlights the artificial and constructed nature of sex and gender while in the eyes of those sensitive or impressionable TERFs, objectifies women at the same time  

This post Male patriarchy/post patriarchy system that transgender women are an unexpected element that may stop feminists from creating, would allow a whole new system where sex and gender don’t matter (but where the concepts of sex and gender like male and female would still exist) , where there is no such thing as sex/gender roles (which would be outsourced to collectives or Inclusive Democracy methods) and where there is natural and true equality between the sexes/genders from the start (which would liberate sexists and misogynists from their sexism and misogyny and remove the roots which cause people to be sexist or misogynist in our current Male patriarchal system). 

Trans people are seen by some to facilitate gender norms which to them breed sexism and more against women since stereotyping has those type of effects (though Transgender people facilitating gender norms and shaking up the sex and gender binary has a positive effects as noted below)  

Some people say that trans people give off deceptive vibes. I don’t go remotely that far but I am very impressionable and it is hard to force myself to unhear those views on Transgender people  

Trans people engage in controversial  ‘savage body mutilation’ which some feminists say is an assault on women’s bodies (ie sex reassignment surgery which if it is really violence it must must be confronted) not my words but other feminists’ words. I really wish I can ignore such critiques but I am human and I have OCD. 

I want to know why some fellow Radical feminists say things like Janice Raymond said  “All trans women rape women's bodies by reducing the real female form to an artifact, appropriating this body for themselves.". As a sexual abuse activist I get horrified reading that quote. I know Jan is transphobe but the way my mind works makes it hard to unhear quotes like that. This is a another reason I am not more pro Transgender as I am now  

It is hard for me to be a radical cheerleader for Transgender people when young women for example who may one day be feminists,  get sex hormones as a child to be a boy, never getting a chance to break the male patriarchy/patriarchy as a biological woman feminist (not that it matters the sex or gender of feminists, I am a guy who is a feminist, but at the very least Transgender males being feminists can divide the feminist movement and a house divided against itself cannot stand and feminism don’t need major distractions) 

The whole big med are trying to medicalize gender identity and normalize it . Not once did pro Trans activists ask if they should but they only asked if they could  

Since we are trying to destroy the male patriarchy/patriarchy which we should, to play devil’s advocate,  making women in man’s image (trans women) is going to add a unexpected element in doing that, which at worst this new element seriously complicates this process of destroying the male patriarchy/patriarchy  

If universalist feminists claim that masculine and feminine genders are born of a social constructs ("A person is not born a woman, they becomes a woman"), then that is seen by some feminists as feminism falling into a male-centered trap since in their view it adheres to values which are "universal" and abstract that are, in their final analysis, masculine values. 

Transgenderism gives biological men Transgender women, who are this new element in our feminist activism (in our feminist quest to destroy the male patriarchy/patriarchy) 

This could make it harder for us to destroy the male patriarchy/patriarchy and to liberate all sexist men from their sexism since we feminists have to fight two fronts (male patriarchy/patriarchy and any hurdles the Transgender movement creates for feminists). 

Even if that its the opposite and transgender women give sexist men a false sense of security causing less sexism against women (by either transgenderism giving sexist guys their own ideal women in terms of transgender women or the opposite; due to Transgenderism proving that sex/gender is a social construct or that the lines between sexes and genders is arbitrary making guys realize that less differences seen between sexes less sexism) , that won’t last long since we’d still have our male patriarchal /patriarchal system. 

Women cannot have true equality until we abolish the male patriarchy /patriarchy no matter how non sexist, sex/gender blind or pro women men are. 

Though in the 19th century or early to early mid 20th century Transgender women being more out (and either transgenderism giving sexist guys their own ideal women in terms of transgender women or the opposite; Transgenderism proving that sex/gender is a social construct or that the lines between sexes and genders is arbitrary)  could have given sexist men a false sense of security and caused less sexism toward women , long enough to pass the ERA in the 1960s/1970s/1980s (in the 1980s , as a kid I wanted the Equal Rights Amendment to be fused with Maternalistic Feminism ideology [Maternalistic Feminism is about creating a lot of new jobs and roles that women are uniquely qualified for] and then passed into law but when former President George HW Bush won over Michael Dukakis, that dashed my hopes for that modified ERA being passed) 

But that ship had long sailed and we need to move forward instead of going backwards by destroying the male patriarchy/patriarchy to fix the root of the problem instead of using bandaids like Transgender women

We cannot discount the feelings by some TERFs that (probably wrongly) say that Transwomen ‘appropriate’ women’s bodies and non intrusively ‘assault’ (ymmv) women by becoming a women merrily by cosmetic or a few mutalating changes.  

A case can be made (not my thoughts I am just reflecting others thoughts) that if we continue to allow Transgender women to ‘appropriate’ what it means to be a woman, we will be forever bound to this oppressive Male patriarchy/patriarchy where women will only get equity and parity instead of true freedom and equality. 

But I agree with this Jacobin article too "“How Transphobic Moral Panics Fuel Authoritarian Politics". I especially agree with the snipet from that article that says that stating any gender critical beliefs fuels right wing extremism. "We choose to use the term “transphobia” as others, such as TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) or Gender Critical, could inadvertently lend legitimacy to these movements and ideas."

However that article by Jacobin causes me to be concerned with my concerns above."

So Transgenderism as noted throughout my blogs has positives to the feminist cause too which may override the negatives above .

A lot of people say that by biological men becoming Transgender women, they celebrating instead of objectifying or appropriating womanhood and that by men becoming Transgender women they are self-consciously critiquing their male privilege . So maybe that ‘appropriation’ is really celebrating. Transgenderism shows that that sexes and genders are a social construct and the differences between them are arbitrary. Plus Transgenderism is good for shaking up the whole sex-gender norm binary

Furthermore you can look at Transgender women being a natural ally to cisgender women and the feminist movements since both cisgender women and transgender women are fighting for autonomy over their own bodies.

Still though, Transgender women NEED to help feminists not settle for equity and parity in our existing male patriarchal/patriarchal system . 

To do this Transgender women would need to:

Method A) be more visible, out and mainstream than they are now which would help sexist men look more positively toward women (cis and trans) by seeing women (cis and trans) through the prism of Transgenderism  

Method B) Moreover, Transgender women would also have to use Gender voluntaryism to show sexist men that sex/gender is a social construct and arbitrary ,and or gender acceleration which with so many genders being created it will make the logic of gender broken blurring the lines between sexes and genders 

Both Method A and Method B would give sexist men a huge sense false sense of security and really cause men to be less sexist . This will help sexist men realize that women are adults who identity as the social construct that is associated with the female sex.  

This will allow a brief window to implement xenofeminism and triangulation form of postgenderism to put a dent in the patriarchy/male patriarchy,  allowing us feminists to then dismantle the patriarchy/male patriarchy completely using tech to abolish gender, dislodging gender from ‘power’ and allows feminists to use the master’s tools to rebuild life. This also has an-anti naturalist element to it. All of this would then lead to this type of gender abolishment utopia           

It’s a vital and edifying way that transgender women can integrate themselves better into the feminist movement in the eyes of all TERFs for in their minds hindering my feminist goals.  

My hyperreal, unironic ironic political views can be found here


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