Tra condsidon

Mostly for counter cultural reasons [i.e to rebel against our lean left societal norms, I am pro Transgender]) M2F must fall into three or more of these categories below and F2M must fall into two or more categories below (mostly for counter cultural reasons [i.e to rebel against our lean left societal norms, I am pro Transgender]) to get their rights and to be recognized as their new gender/sex:  

1) They truly defy traditional gender roles and in a way that won’t get harmed by the patriarchy, 

2) they are Intersex

3) have X, XXY, XXY or XXXY chromosome(s), or would have had this chromosome in the most realistic reality where they were born in that reality 

4) they had at least one past life (or will have at least one future life) where they spent their entire life in that past or future life(s) as the gender that they changed to in this life, 

5) they have one or more Personality disorders (any type) and can't get cured

6) God considered making them the gender that they changed to but didn't, 

7) they have a masculine-athletic phenotype (if biologically female)/they have a feminine-non athletic phenotype (if biologically male), 

8) if they don't get their rights, they'll still get around not having said rights which would be pretty much the same thing as them having those rights, 

9) they have a twin sibling who was born as the opposite biological sex of the biological sex that said transgender persons were born as

10) God would say that they really were born as the wrong gender,

11) if at least 75+ percent of anti transgender people from the last 100 years agree or would agree that said transgender persons are really the gender they changed to (and at least 10 of the remaining 25 percent are either neutral, apolitical, indifferent or mixed on that)

12) when the transgender persons parents were pregnant with them, the doctor made a mistake and wrongly told their parents that the child (the transgender persons) would be a biological sex that said transgender persons were not born as (but ended up being the same gender that the transgender person changed to after birth)

13) they were a tomboy or femgirl in their childhood as the gender they were born as 

14) They perform their desired gender (not essentialist) per Gender voluntarism

15) They are Body Positive

16) They are a HSTS Transgender (M2F) female/woman 

17) They are a girlfag or guydyke

18)  They are AFAB non-dysphorics of a wide variety

19A) If they don’t meet that criteria, people need to get Transgender people to compromise on the Transgender issue where both sides are happy with the compromise for Transgender people who don't meet the above criteria  

If transgender people who do not meet my requirements above and don’t compromise, until this type of natural sex gender changing surgery become legal for humans (and they use that to change gender/sex) or until we abolish our Cissexist patriarchy, I am other side political post position on those Transgender people who do not meet my above requirements  


19B) If they don't meet that criteria they should be able to be recognized as Trans and get their rights if they can convince a Judge they are Trans the same way that Kris Kringle and his lawyer in Miracle on 34th Street (1947 film) convinced the court he was the one true Santa Claus  (but it would be as easy to convince said Judge they are Trans as it was easy for Kris Kringle and his lawyer to convince his Judge that he was the one true Santa Claus)

To me there is as much ambiguity as whether such Trans people are really the gender they identify as as there is ambiguity of whether Kris Kringle in Miracle on 34th Street (1947) is really Santa Claus

Some of my other private and off the record views on Transgenderism can be found here

My hyperreal, unironic ironic political views can be found here


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