Russsza views list

My private and off the record views on Russia-Ukraine:

Here is an alternative take by Dr Jill Stein on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. But this youtube transcript by The Karnavcle (from c 3:00 minute mark to around the 15:00 minute mark) provides a nuanced and articulated counter to that narrative by Dr Jill Stein

I do not endorse the US getting involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, just like the Copperheads were did not support the US (i.e Union) going to war with the Confederacy during the Civil War. See here, here, here here, here and here for more. Also see here and here  Maybe the US should follow the lead of Austria's extremist right wing party who walked out on Volodomyr Zelesky's 

Also see this, which shows that NATO and Ukraine might try to create an Israel like apartheid state which concerns me a lot

This is because I am non interventionalist and Anti Imperialist (especially Anti Western Imperialist) etc but also because of this here (and due to the money being spent better here for Americans at home on Americans than in Ukraine on Ukranians which would prevent the US from having to wait  to get the money back through their military industry complex).

Maybe the US should inspire Russia not to be imperialist by the US leading by example and being non interventionist . See here, here , here (solution for that though here?), here for more 

Also see this thread (in particular the first post) which is an interesting take

I am against the US sending fighter jets and even more billion dollar aide packages to Ukraine than Janet Yellin wants to send in their conflict with Russia. The US doesn't respect other countries' sovereignty or decisions to stay neutral and that is bad see here for more

But the Russia Ukraine conflict is its none of our business, it is better for the US to focus on the US. Let them deal with their own issues 

Legality wise, this reddit post echoes my views on the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  I do not support the Ukrainian government or the Russian government (I am not worthy enough for Ukraine and Russia to allow me to support them /s) , but I do support the Russian and Ukrainian people against western imperialism in Ukraine, the Russian anti western imperialist invasion as well as their respective countries. This commentary by Curtis also reflects some of my views on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the US imperialism etc

The US's “imperialist expansionism” through NATO fueled Russia’s invasion 

So the US invading a far away country (like Iraq) and setting up vassals to extract every tiny bit of resources to then let them fall once they're useless is better to some neocon pro Ukraine supporters because in their minds the US said they are going to rid the country of terrorists that they themselves put there? Would that not make Vladimir Putin's war with Ukraine okay because he similarly said they're gonna denazify Ukraine?

The US and NATO a very much responsible for escalating this Russia-Ukraine conflict. Be it by breaking agreements that were made in the 1990 to setting up a coup in 2015. This war is self evidently unjustified and Vladimir Putin is a war criminal going by the book but until people like Henry Kissinger, Barack Obama or George W Bush have been punished the US can kindly shut up about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

That's why I said above 'the US and Vladimir Putin' and not 'Americans and Russians'. These states and the class they represent are responsible for these wars and crimes. The working class are simply cannon fodder for the owning class to fill their pockets even further.

Russia’s ‘imperialism’ in Ukraine, Georgia etc is to offset and defeat the West’s imperialism in those places. Too bad two imperialisms don’t cancel each other out

I do not want Ukraine to become woke (i.e I don’t want Ukraine to allow drag queen story hours, or to have anti racism, white fragility, kids becoming Transgender, equity policies etc). 

If the only to prevent Ukraine from becoming woke is for Russia to defeat Ukraine, then although I would not be a happy camper, none the less, hypothetically I would not lose sleep (and I would in fact have sugar plumbs dancing in my head) over Russia defeating Ukraine in their war

I am absolutely against Volodomyr Zelesky having a bust or statue in the US Capital. That is literally vanity and stupidity. He does not deserve a statue in the US. Now in Ukraine or even Poland ('nationalist' unity Poland + Ukraine!!) he perhaps does deserve a bust or statue but not in the US, that is for sure. 

I am against all people having busts and statues but even if I wasn't like that , Volodmyr does not deserve to have a statue or bust in the US and to say otherwise is stupid and pure madness. Anyone who wants him to have a bust or statue in the US is a brainwashed cultist and to say otherwise is retarded

The sick twisted, hero worship , idolatry and fetishizing for Zelensky by western neocon warmonger imperialist political machine is frightening, mind boggling, pathetic, lame and almost parody like (sort of like Zelensky himself).  Far right neocon imperialist warmonger Joe Wilson's proposal is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Wilson should be stripped of committee assignments. 

He is a retard. Jesus Christ is more deserving of our worship than King Volomdyr Zelensky is  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual

When King Vlolomdyr Zelensky on his iron throne endorsed Donald Trump in 2020, I guarantee the Liberal 2.0 machine wasn't praising ole Vlodomyr. Nope but now he is a useful praxi to them and any useful praxi they have their greasy mitts in gets their full adoration and affection .

I swear to God .I would rather have a statue or bust of former Confederate leader Robert E Lee put in the Capital than to put up a bust or statue of Volodmyr Zelensky in the Capital. Heck I would even rather have Anthony Fauci have a bust or statue in the Capital than to have our Capital desecrated with a bust or statue of King Volomdyr Zelensky.

Enough is enough with this sick twisted shit. Our Liberal 2.0 political machine really has gone off the deep end into uncharted waters. 

Zelensky isn't even an American and he has done nothing for the US be gifted with trillions of endless dollars for his Ukraine defense

To think that Zelensky would get a bust or statue alongside people like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ronald Reagan, FDR, JFK, MLK Jr, Harriet Tubman, Indigenous leaders in the US from times past etc is beyond stupidity bordering on complete lunacy

At worst Zelensky is everything he has criticized himself for his whole life 

At his absolute pinnacle best on his best day he is noticeably worse than his fawning Liberal 2.0 MSM allyship makes him out to be. King Vlodmyr can do no wrong in their rose colored beer goggle eyes

If a bust or statue of King Volodmyr Zelensky goes up in the Capital, it is proof that the US serves Ukraine and not the American people and that the US cares more about Ukraine than the American people.

This stupid country I live in , the US cares more about Ukrainians to give them statues, Ukrainians thousands of miles away in a bourgeois , country mind you and their nazis sympathizers 'ultra center left nationalist' simping actor President than they do about poc, trans people, gays, women who need an abortion etc. Billions of Americans past and present deserve statues in the Capital before Zelensky should even be considered for his ugly mug to be displayed in the Capital. 

Far right warmonger imperialist neocon Joe Wilson has made me hate Volomdyr Zelensky and I wonder if that was his intention 

Far right warmonger imperialist neocon Joe Wilson is a piece of garbage. I would rather have Volomyr Zelensky be my congress man or senator than to have Joe Wilson be my congress man /senator

Of course if that happened , seeing as King Volodmyr would be presiding over me on his iron throne ,I would be doing so much crystal meth, mushrooms and opiates to cope with King Zelensky that I would sound like Mike Tyson at his highest on steroids (no pun intended since Mike Tyson has done steroids himself for years) Having Zelensky be a politician in my country would force me to self medicate to be such a pharmaceutical zombie

If Ukraine was invaded by a country who didn't help Donnie Trump win in 2016, I wonder if the US would have been so pro Zelensky and pro Ukraine as they are now? hmmmmmm

If that bust or statue of Zelensky goes up I will never pay my taxes again until it is removed and they start giving a fuck about me and my family and 300 million other American people. Maybe I would move to another country if that eye sore went up . Zelensky's bust or statue though would make a nice target for some spray paint and graffiti... possibilities possibilities 

It would be wrong, tone deaf and pure madness to give ole Vlodomyr a bust in the US which would put this actor unproven leader (who has done nothing notable as prime minister other than play the victim of an 'invasion') in the same category as real international hero leaders like Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, Subhas Chandra Bose, Charles de Gaulle, Vladimir Lenin (to an extent and relative to the time period), Salvador Allende, Juan Peron, even Mikhail Gorbachav (who despite causing the USSR to collapse was light years better in every way than Zelensky could ever be) all of whom have done more for their countries than Zelensky has done for his country and is thus tone deaf and misguided.

This stupid idiotic dumb Volodmyr Zelensky bust idea by that far right neocon imperialist warmonger Joe Wilson is as stupid as Donald Trump's garden of 'heroes' idea. Enough with telling us who are heroes should be. This is the US not the USSR. Fuck Joe Wilson and fuck Volodmyr Zelensky

I echo this article on this absurdity.  The neocon warmonger imperialist NATO bootlickers like Joe Wilson who want this statue or bust built are traitors and treasonous. Imagine if they wanted to put a bust of Benjamin Netanyahu in the Capital? Yup, same thing. America needs to serve America, not Ukraine. 

A Ukrainian guy (Vlodomor Zelesky) and a BIPOC woman are defenders of Europe against ‘big bad’ Russia. LOL you can't make this stuff (in a good way)

I am against Americans with no connection to Ukraine (or Russia) putting up Ukraine (or Russian) flags or colors on their property, on their social media accounts , automobiles, body or clothes. We live in the US not Ukraine, (and not Russia). Don’t be a traitor and NATO, western imperialist globalist cultist patsy. Just say NO . 

No more commodifying Ukraine or every tragedy. Fuck consumerism and Capitalism. The vast majority of Americans luckily haven’t put a Ukraine flag or colors on social media accounts , automobiles, body or clothes. Let’s keep it that way Interesting perspective from Glenn Greenwald

My hyperreal, unironic ironic political views can be found here


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