Male dishonors



I privately echo what Wotnoketchup wrote on Female Dating Strategy subreddit in the screenshot link above and below, in both cases me and Wotnoketchup are talking about Wankhead Zqx1, and all men like them:

Don't you worry misog men who are like reddit user Wankhead), what you have in your bank is completely safe

All of those millions of sperm you have in your sperm bank and no woman is even slightly interested in even one of them

Male misogs like Wankhead couldn't even give them away

if they were the last sperm on the planet!

When we think of all the pimps who live off women and young girls by forcing them to obey them and who see it as a perk for being born male, in their in man's world.

Then you see what low life gold digging parasites many men truly are and all the other men who are joined at the hip and jaw and in tooth and claw who all connive and collude with the pimps to abuse women and girls for their male sport!

As a collective the only thing men have ever protected in their entire history are their own self interests and that is the opportunity in times of war to join in a male free for all to rape and mutilate as many women and girls as they can

that's the bro'hood, that's men's history, a matter of male honour, male pride, male vanity, male entitlement, male privilege, male arrogance, male savagery, male indifference!

Poor fragile eeny weeny whiny tiny little misog men like Wankhead and Zqx1. ya'll must be suffering from your manopause? and ya'll know that's the season when all you men go completely round the bend and jump around as mad as fucking meat paws

It's all a matter of male honour and male pride and being nasty little neo fascist boys for your nasty little bro'hoods

Women listen up, The idea men are sane or civilised is purely men's idea  and Zqx1 is about as far as they have ever got with it.

**ooh hoo hoo Zqx1 has gone full tard, someone must have whacked him on the back of his head with a house brick and if not, why not?**

My hyperreal, unironic ironic political views can be found here


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