Aplo prog

To support individual freedom that is autonomous from the political ideology of left and right while retaining some elements of leftism


There would be no deification of “progress” in a universalist context in this Pan Secessionist sociological culture

This new world would be skeptical of the idea of progress (including that progress of history leads to liberty and enlightenment) which is the idea that the current order of things is the result of an ongoing improvement process that we can take further, possibly even to its apotheosis, if we put in the effort. (in a Post Left Anarchism/Post Liberal way)

This new world would reject he concept of progress as bigger and more (since such concepts of progress are rooted in colonialist, chauvinist and imperialistic, anti black structures). It would instead try to replace that with a more equalitequitable concept of progress (using a neutered and or non woke version of Equitable Math thought)

Sort of like in religion God/Trinity always existed, exists now and will always exist

This world would see our current trajectory, which the rulers and their loyal reformist and “revolutionary” opposition label “progress”,  as inherently harmful to individual freedom, free association, healthy relations, the totality of life and even Earth itself. Postmodernity’s biggest weakness is decadence (Post Left Anarchism)

This world would bring this trajectory to an end so that new ways of living and relating would be developed if we are to achieve full autonomy and freedom. This would not necessarily lead to absolutely rejecting technology and civilization, nor would this rejection constitute the bottom line of a break with the Left.

However this partial rejection of some aspects of progress definitely would mean a willingness to seriously and critically analyze and question civilization and technology, and in particular industrialism.  Basically it would not be conservative/traditional since history doesn't repeat

People who are not willing to raise these types of questions most likely themselves continue to hold to the myth of progress.

This world would be neither left nor right; the modern world would be replaced with an ever improving image—with its own form (Fourth Political Theory)

it would not be conservative/traditional since history doesn't repeat  (Futurism)


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