Democ replbc views part III

I support a Shadow political party to that of the Republican party. 

I am against Colorado and other states removing Donald Trump from the ballot for the 2024 election. That is wrong, and anti democratic. We should use the voting booth to keep Donald Trump from being elected President in 2024 NOT underhanded, low blow tactics like what far liberal rocky mountain HIGH Colorado did

See here for more. This move by Colorado and other states is going to backfire on Democrats as mentioned here .Also if you want a conservative MISFIT take see here

I hate Trump as much as the next guy/girl, but forcing him off the ballot is not the correct or moral way to defeat him.

Here are some basic facts about January 6 2021 riots at the Capitol

If we want to get Trump off the ballots in a creative, ironic and funny way, just say he is ineligible to run for President because Presidents are barred from winning the election 3 times (i.e use his baseless 2020 election stealing claims against him) /s /irony

I agree with David Axelrod, Joe Biden needs a better message as to why we should vote for him over DJT instead of 'muh democracy'.  Seriously, if 'saving democracy' is the reason that the Democrats have come up with as to why we should vote for Joe Biden over Trump, the Democrats will lose the 2024 election . Democracy is as empty of a political term as woke, far right, white supremacy, neoliberal etc. Wake up Democrats 

Joe Biden calls DJT an extremist, and since DJT uses the 'deep state' terminology and is a right wing populist, Biden is correct. But Biden is an extremist too. Biden wants kids in grade school to be able to get sex change operations, Biden supports (Jesse Watters Jan 16 24 five )

I agree with Vivek below

Vivek Ramaswamy


This is what an *actual* attack on democracy looks like: in an un-American, unconstitutional, and *unprecedented* decision, a cabal of Democrat judges are barring Trump from the ballot in Colorado. Having tried every trick in the book to eliminate President Trump from running in this election, the bipartisan Establishment is now deploying a new tactic to bar him from ever holding office again: the 14th Amendment. I pledge to *withdraw* from the Colorado GOP primary unless Trump is also allowed to be on the state’s ballot, and I demand that Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley to do the same immediately - or else they are tacitly endorsing this illegal maneuver which will have disastrous consequences for our country.


Today’s decision is the latest election interference tactic to silence political opponents and swing the election for whatever puppet the Democrats put up this time by depriving Americans of the right to vote for their candidate of choice.


The 14th Amendment was part of the “Reconstruction Amendments” that were ratified following the Civil War. It was passed to prohibit former Confederate military and political leaders from holding high federal or state office. These men had clearly taken part in a rebellion against the United States: the Civil War. That makes it all the more absurd that a left-wing group in Colorado is asking a federal court to disqualify the 45th President on the same grounds, equating his speech to rebellion against the United States.

And there’s another legal problem: Trump is not a former “officer of the United States,” as that term is used in the Constitution, meaning Section 3 does not apply. As the Supreme Court explained in Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (2010), an “officer of the United States” is someone appointed by the President to aid him in his duties under Article II, Section 2. The term does not apply to elected officials, and certainly not to the President himself. 


The Framers of the 14th Amendment would be appalled to see this narrow provision—intended to bar former U.S. officials who switched to the Confederacy from seeking public office—being weaponized by a sitting President and his political allies to prevent a former President from seeking reelection. Our country is becoming unrecognizable to our Founding Fathers."

I would vote for Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger over Joe Biden for President ONLY if they were the Republican nominees. I will not elaborate further so don't ask me to. Other than possibly Nikki Haley or Chris Christie those are the only ones I would put over Biden. 

I would vote for Gavin Newsom, Dean Phillips over any Republicans or third party candidate if he ran for President in 2024 or 2028 (as long as they run as Democrats)

I am planning on lending personal life support to Joe Biden for his 2024 Prez bid to heal him personally to make him heal politically so that I can echo Jennifer Rubin in this article on Joe Biden and what Joe Biden needs to do in his second term to improve

I can also be described as a Militant Democratic Moderate (i.e Omniliberal-Post Conservative Populist)

I support the Southern US version of this retroactive Tea Party (socialist variety) and Southern faction of Revolutionary Tea Party Bolsheviks

Political movements need to be inspired by MLK with a universal image of humanity, which transcends all ethnic-racial differences and barriers

My political ideology's friends: Joe Biden's Democratic Capitalism + this Pragmatic Progressiveness/One Revolution 

I support this fictional Republican party here

I support republicanism and federalism

U.S. politics under the duopoly (and dualism) is not about helping the people or planet. It’s about controlling the people and planet. And they control us by dividing us. They split the people into two teams (red vs. blue) while they are on the same team and serve the same corporate interests. 

To the r/Mutualism subredditors, Kevin Carson and the c4ss, former Republicans in the US who became Democrats in 2016 due to DJT and realized the Democrats were based (cool and good), and were a trillion times better than they thought (and who reaffirmed this position after watching the Unite the right , alt right monsters burn Charlottesville to ground which unlike January 6 2021, was one of the darkest days in our  nation's history) I have a question for you:

My friend Pat C has these views on the MAGA trolls, so r/Mutualism subredditors, Kevin Carson/c4ss, and the aforementioned former Republicans who since 2016 are card carrying Democrats, how should i respond to him on these views my friend Pat C has on MAGA trolls?

Political organizing has to overcome the sad fact that each socioeconomic society has characteristic bugaboos that caused barriers to effective political organizing

I do not criticize the allegedly "democratic" but I do truly criticize the "liberal-lib totalitarian" system of the Western world

I do not support organizations influenced by Herbert Mancuse or who subscribe to Fordism

I do not support the Institute for Policy Studies 

Due to heavy pressure to surpass the USSR in exploring space, the final frontier, more than a half century ago, former President JFK proposed the extremely ambitious goal of putting a man/woman on the Moon by the end of the 1960s.  In making such an impactful decision, JFK lifted up the spirits of the US. The US is need of that sort of bold outlook in our times, maybe more than ever

I support a 1 percent Wall Street sales tax. This is a moderate tax on transactions that involve stocks, bonds, derivatives etc. 

Wall Street should be asked to pay for their derivative based carelessness which would lead to financial issues in the US over the last few decades including the near collapse of the US and by extension global economy in the 2000s decade. 

I advocate for Wall Street due to that and other ills should be forced to pay for their senseless greed by fully funding tuition free education at all levels including older citizens who want to return to college  to learn new skills. This should include being available to those people who enroll in trade schools or other post h.s institutes of pro training (except grad schools which should always require people to play for since otherwise it would be stupid)

Acknowledging that wages in the US. have stagnated more than a dozen years ago — a scenerio that was even more exacerbated and made obvious due mostly to the 2000s financial crises of Wall Street’s making — a growing number of industry analysts and academia alike have said in modern times that the US workforce has lost its ability to be competitive in the global marketplace.  US competitiveness, they state, is at a crucial point . Unfortunately, they’re likely right. 

I agree with what Pete Buttigieg said here '“As I mentioned earlier, the rail — the freight rail industry — has wielded a lot of power here in Washington. I would love to see Leader McConnell join us in standing up to them. There are specific things that could be done right now … He could work with us right now,” Buttigieg said."I support the For Life political party of Ukraine and it was a shame they were banned

I am glad that the Republican Party is as anti war in the Russia-Ukraine 2022- conflict as Democrats are pro co-exist

I am against National (right wingDemocratism

I am basically a Xi Jingping SocDem symbiosis Mutualist with Peronist characteristics

I do not support Neoliberalism, and I strongly do not support Leftneolib.png Left Neoliberalism.

Instead I support Postnlib.png Alter-Neoliberalism (including Social Commons)

Socialism of the 21st century and New Keynesian economics as alternatives to Neoliberalism when push comes to shove

Our enemy is beyond the political spectrum, and that enemy of ours is the bourgeois neoliberal-neoconservative ruling class and its MSM mouthpieces

Both Cenk and Ana reflect my views on our political landscape here as does this interview here (titled Explosive Debate: Roland vs. Cenk Uygur on Biden 2024 and the Progressive Blueprint for America)

In particular this : "fair number two uh I understand where they're going with the double standard they say look you know you're telling me Donald Trump broke all these laws but then you've got all these other politicians who are corrupt and nobody ever says anything about them and they're not wrong about that mainstream media if you're an outsider or you don't belong in the establishment with your Trump Bernie et cetera they'll find a thousand things wrong with you and then the most corrupt people on Earth are your mainstream Republicans and Democrats and make sure media can't find anything wrong with them just can't find it right like give me Jack Smith as a prosecutor I'll get you incredible um things that Mitch McConnell's done wrong Nancy Pelosi has done wrong so"

"it's so jarring to remember the anti-Vietnam war and anti-Iraq protests in which I joined many tens of thousands. The Liberal 2.0/Lib embrace of the state apparatus and vicious war mongering (cluster bombs, yay!) has done the seemingly impossible and transmuted me into being what I am today. Truly clown world.

"Corporate media has increasingly created closed information systems around every major issue: Russiagate, Big Pharma, Ukraine, etc. Dissent from their orthodoxies is branded "disinformation," then censored.

That's why a free internet is so vital, and why it's their main target.

Around the democratic world outside Europe, there is vibrant and substantial debate over how to see the war. That dissent in key countries is just absent from US corporate outlets."

The real people who control and influence our government and culture are INTEREST GROUPS/NGOs. They are the ones who pressure the government,  corporations (who themselves lobby to the government) etc. So we need to abolish corporations and curb such influence as is required for us to translate into a left wing, socialistic/communal inclusive egalitarian post capitalist society. We abolish corporations but first we curb the interest group influence

To Professor Mary Anne Franks, Claudia Conway, Bruce Springsteen and Chelsea Handler, my former friend Don from the late 1980s/early 1990s has the bolded views below, while I am not on board with his views below, how would you have me respond to his views below to him?

"The liberals and progressives hatred of leftist politics comes from McCarthyism and the Red Scare. So any Anti Socialism, Pro Capitalism, negating USSR's role in defeating the naughtize scum in WWII etc comes straight from the right wing fringe of segregationist racist reactionary scumbag William SucKKKley's National Re vew, Joseph MKKKarthy, etc. Even Richard Nixon realized that there was merit with Communism and Socialism which is why he was so progressive economically compared to these losers on the right today

I absolutely agree with this Jacobin article . There is NO such thing as 'Right wing Marxism'. Any Democrat, leftist, Liberal or Progressive who takes National Review's side on 'right wing Marxism' existing over Jacobins side is a FAKE Democrat, Leftist, liberal ,progressive. National Review is a far right racist, sexist, bourgeois rag. No true Democrat, Leftist, Liberal or Progressive would ever side with National Review over Jacobin.

Any leftist, progressive or Liberal who doesn't agree with Jacobin's above article and who wrongly take National Review's side on this is a brainwashed Neoliberal, Liberal Corporate cultist and no better than the Alt Lite.  

It is so sad that the 'left' was hijacked by right wingers in the 1960s that some of these retards would actually side with National Review over Jacobin on whether right wing Marxism exists. It is insanity nonsense and any leftist, progressive or liberal who takes National Review's side over Jacobin on this and falsely says that right wing Marxism exists is a right wing nutjob and should be ostracized and harassed until they admit that Jacobin was correct and National review was wrong and that right wing marxism doesn't exist.

Only mentally deranged retards would disagree with me and Jacobin on this. 

If anyone is right wing it is the modern Democrat Party and Liberals. Half of them condemned Socialism, they don't give a fuck about unions, they trash progressives like AOC, Jamaal Bowman, Ihlan Omar. They abonded a true leftist Nina Turner. 

They colluded against Bernie Sanders. James Clyburn doesn't want free college, they join the right wing idpolists by judging people by their skin color instead of the content of their character, they support the FBI and CIA and the government spyign programs, instead of supporting peace in Ukraine-Russia they support a forever blank check dispense from the US to Ukraine even supporting evil deadly cluster bombs which will only worsen the war, they view political views they don't agree with in the least charitable way, and see the worst in people, they cheer when anyone even close to being right wing dies, these sick monsters supported the train derailment in Ohio because it was 'trump country' etc

They criticize people for trying to get homeless people housing and jobs and money. Democrats and Liberals in the US are right wing not Marxism and I will force Gina Riccardi Mohrhauser to agree with me here even if i have to break into her home and force her to agree (she lives in Jacksonville Florida)

Their blind hatred of all things Trump has turned them into mini Trumps, especially the Twitter loser trolls who do nothing but attack the left, centrer and right because they are too braindead to show how they would make our country better."

McCarthyism while wrong was NOT discrimination. It went after Communism but Communism is not a person and thus you can't discriminate against Communism since it is a political ideology not a person. Anyone who says otherwise should be 

Red-brownism is messy concept, but informationally dense and useful (Emmi Bevensee). Other terms used by researchers and antifascists include: left-right convergence (USA and UK); confusionism (France); querfront (Germany); red-brown alliance (Russia and Eastern Europe or Central Europe); left accommodation (Marxist term); alt-imperialism (Joey Ayoub); unorthodox fascism; fascist creep (Alexander Reid Ross), fascist drift or fascist entryism; and tendril theory or tentacle theory.

There are actually very few instances of full crossing-over or convergences between movements, and even then usually only on limited number of issues which tend to be unstable and short-lived. It’s more intense in places like Eastern and Central Europe with nominal Communists stemming from resurgence of nationalistic tendencies during 1960s onwards. But in most countries the left and the right stay apart even if they occasionally run parallel or certain groups adopt specific issues of the other side. Flirting is not unusual, but consummation is rare (Spencer Sunshine).

Consensus credibility works because different people independently came to the same conclusion

I want to get the Republican party banned forever and to prevent right wingers from running for office. Then I want the creation of a left wing party (to the left of the Democrat party) to replace Democrats as the left party in American politics which will cause the Democrats by default to be the right wing party in the US

I endorse and support Dr Cornel West for President but I think he should run as a Democrat to challenge Joe Biden from the left (since Dr West is to the left of Joe Biden on literally nearly ever damn issue and Dr West is to the left of the Democrat party as a whole on nearly all issues). See here for more

I agree with this post on AskALiberal about Republican candidates for the 2024 'election'

I want the Republican party to stop being the party of obstruction and culture war, 

I can live with Nikki Haley becoming President. She is popular even among Democrats

This article from the WaPo makes me think that Mike Pence might be a decent President if he had my combined views on abortion that is, as it is now NO

Part 1

Part 2


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