New Numer Position

 Q) What does ''fifth political position' mean? 

Answer Part I) An Inverted Third Way position (not too different from a Know Nothing position)

It basically is a Multiverse political position/Brane Cosmology:

"Some universes can even have different laws of physics and totally different particles."

  •  Platonism - What if World of Ideas is just a parallel universe? (Multiverse theory to Platonism)
  •  Brane Cosmology - Our theory but mixed with string theory. (Multiverse theory to BC)

A Fifth political position is a political stance/position on issues that is neither support, against, neutral, left wing-liberal-progressive, conservative-right wing, centrist, indifferent, apolitical or 3rd political position (which is a different concept entirely)  but a hypothetical, political stance/political position that is as opposite of support and against as support and against are opposite of each other and is as opposite of left wing and right wing as left wing and right wing are opposite of each other. 

A Fifth political position on political issues have never been seen before in our universe or dimension but those political stances/positions exists on political issues in other universes and dimensions, maybe with different laws of nature than in our universe (just like there are primary colors that have never been seen in our universe but exist in other universes).

So we people of our universe, trying to imagine what a fifth political position,  on an issue is, is like us people in our universe trying to imagine a hypothetical primary color that we have never seen before and that doesn't exist in our universe but that exists in other universes, that is as opposite of blue, red and yellow as blue, red and yellow are opposite of each other.  It is also like trying to solve  problems

It is Beyond the Left, Liberal/Center and Right Wings of the political spectrum (like from here):

"In the ninth dimension, we can compare all the possible universe histories, starting with all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions. In the tenth and final dimension, we arrive at the point in which everything possible and imaginable is covered. Beyond this, nothing can be imagined by us lowly mortals, which makes it the natural limitation of what we can conceive in terms of dimensions."

Political positions in a  'other side of the dimensions' universes/dimensions would not exist but there would be stuff like 'self evident', or maybe politically Syncretic or maybe perspectivist or maybe middle platonic or or No Self or Anti realism

Quantum State Anti-Realism[edit | edit source]

Quantum State Anti-Realism challenges the direct correspondence between physical properties and quantum states. Anti-realists about quantum states may argue that quantum states do not have an ontic reality and are instead interpreted as mere mathematical tools or subjective representations of our knowledge or information about the system. They may reject the notion that distinct preparations can lead to the same ontic state or that ontic states can be compatible with different quantum states.

 Quantum Mysticism[edit | edit source]

Quantum Mysticism refers to a philosophical or spiritual interpretation of quantum physics that often goes beyond the scientific understanding of the theory. It involves using quantum concepts, such as wave-particle duality, superposition, and entanglement, to support mystical or metaphysical ideas about consciousness, spirituality, and the nature of reality.

Quantum mysticism often draws upon the mysterious and counterintuitive aspects of quantum physics to propose connections between the quantum realm and various metaphysical or spiritual beliefs. These interpretations can range from suggesting that consciousness plays a fundamental role in collapsing the wave function to proposing that quantum phenomena provide evidence for the interconnectedness of all things.

Fifth Political Position

To embody individual freedom that is autonomous from the political ideology of left and right while retaining some elements of leftism

It is a concept similar to the Mega Compass 

You'll notice that the 8 standard "Anti-Realist" ideologies are in the appropriate positions on the third column/row from the edge, and there are two more layers beyond them in every direction for ideologies that are more extreme than standard Anti-Realism.

Almost everything on the outer edge is a variant of "Senatorialism", depicted as a sort of Omni-ideology that's beyond human comprehension. Speaking of which, there are also some actual Omni-ideologies around the edge there, which basically amount to saying that reality itself should be remade to conform to those beliefs. That's where you could find beliefs so extreme that they're as far apart as the left and right are from each other.

Fifth Political Political position is also adjacent to Ismism, which is basically the idea that anything can be a political ideology if you use your imagination enough (in this case a post political position) . Basically an 'all over the place' post political position

 OffCompass and from a political position from a different political spectrum(s) from other political compases

Any attempt to comprehend this ideology, even at its simplest term is so oxymoronic that it can't be even placed at the political spectrum. (like Ideological Theocracy)

Electritocracy cannot really be placed anywhere on the 3-way economic-civic-cultural political spectrum.

A literal far out/out of sight political position (like Metaphysical Relativism)/a 'this is heavy' type political position /a fuzzy logic position 

Maybe similar to DerridianismMetaphysical Objectivism-lateral thinkingEinstellung effect thinking Neutralism

Modal subordination (like here)

It has elements similar to Godel logicmind body DualismMaterial implication paradoxes (and solutions too) and False dilemma

And this is the point: A Badiou is never clear on how his ideals or communist Idea can be created, for there is no constructivist account but a mystical one of transcendence, ontologism, ruptures, events, singularities etc which is a modern uptake of some kind of quantum Hegelianism — this may make for interesting theorizing, but is hardly a way forward.

supernatural metaphysics view in that there are realms or entities beyond the physical realm that can influence or govern the natural world if we go to those other universes or dimensions to link them to our nature law world. Supernatural metaphysics believe that forces or entities are invoke that transcend the laws of nature

  •  Solipsism - Talking with them is like questioning the existence of reality itself.But we are compatible because I also assert the priority of my own physical sensations.

 Emergent Materialism[edit | edit source]

The recognition of emergent properties is the key for materialism to embrace the complexity and diversity of the natural world. Materialists understand that when different components interact, new properties emerge that cannot be fully explained by examining the individual parts alone.

It is also similar to a placeholder view

Maybe something like this "For Frege asserting the negation of a claim serves roughly the same role as denying a claim does in Aristotle. Other Western logicians such as Kant and Hegel answer, ultimately three; you can affirm, deny or make merely limiting affirmations, which transcend both affirmation and denial. In Indian logic, four logical qualities have been the norm, and Nagarjuna is sometimes interpreted as arguing for five."

Fourway post positional political view fused with Tripart Arrow march to the beat of a different drummer political position 

Maybe like herehere 


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