snippet proto marxist, niezhe post kant

From here....

My Post Kantianism is an alternative to Georg Hegel's Post Kantianism (I run my Post Kantinaism through Frederich Nietzche)

I will bold the connections of F Nietzche's Post Kantianism I support and Marxism which I also support to an extent:

Hegel is a Red Herring 

One of the most well-known characterizations of Deleuze is his hatred of Hegel. "What I detested most was Hegelianism." This, imo, is unfortunate. Not necessarily because it is incorrect, but because it is nowhere near as important as it is made out to be.

What makes Deleuze a rival of Hegel in the first place? What puts them in competition?

A battle over Kant's legacy.

From Nietzsche & Philosophy:

Finally, Nietzsche's relation to Kant is like Marx's to Hegel: Nietzsche stands critique on its feet, just as Marx does with the dialectic . But this analogy, far from reconciling Marx and Nietzsche, separates them still further. For the dialectic comes from the original Kantian form of critique . There would have been no need to put the dialectic back on its feet, nor "to do" any form of dialectics if critique itself had not been standing on its head from the start. (p. 89)

Without mincing words, these are among the most important lines Deleuze ever wrote. Could he be any clearer? The dialectic was Kant's problem before it was Hegel's. For Deleuze, Marx didn't go back far enough. The plan and stakes are already spelled out as early as 1962. A decade later, Guattari by his side, Deleuze would program Anti-Oedipus as, very specifically, a strange way of re-constructing Karl Marx through an immanent, materialist, Kantian critique:

In what he termed the critical revolution, Kant intended to discover criteria immanent to understanding so as to distinguish the legitimate and the illegitimate uses of the syntheses of consciousness. In the name of transcendental philosophy (immanence of criteria), he therefore denounced the transcendent use of syntheses such as appeared in metaphysics. 

In like fashion we are compelled to say that psychoanalysis has its metaphysics-its name is Oedipus. And that a revolution-this time materialist-can proceed only by way of a critique of Oedipus, by denouncing the illegitimate use of the syntheses of the unconscious as found in Oedipal psychoanalysis, so as to rediscover a transcendental unconscious defined by the immanence of its criteria, and a corresponding practice that we shall call schizoanalysis. (AO pg. 75, emphasis in original).

And so the battle with Hegel is fought almost entirely indirectly, by way of an alternative path in the legacy of post-kantianism that does not run through Hegel at all, but instead through Maimon and then Nietzsche.

If you are interested in the relationship between Deleuze and Hegel, watch Nathan Widder explain it on YouTube. But if you really want to go further with it you should pursue Deleuze's engagement with Kant, about whom he wrote an actual book.

Essays 3-5 in Daniel Smith's Essays on Deleuze are especially instructive on this line.

Levi Bryant's Difference and Givenness opened my own eyes to the importance of Kant in Deleuze's thought generally speaking, in particular his reading of what he calls Deleuze's "hyper-critical turn."

History and Nature in Karl Marx

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by GS Jones · 2017 · Cited by 6 — For if Marx had developed a post-Kantian vision of the role of labour in history and its capacity for self-emancipation - a vision based on reason, spontaneity ...

Any political view in my blog spheres that seems to have an idealist, essentialist , non Marxist economic materialistic take on it, despite me not saying so in that post, is in my eyes rooted in economics and I do see said view through the lens of historical materialism and dialectal materialism (like herehere and below). 

I just don't say so, because that type of Marxist materialism I use for that type of view is in fact a type of idealism itself (but descended from a Marxist, Nietzsche alternative form of Post Kantian idealism instead of a F Hegel/orthodox form of Post Kantianist idealism) which is basically Humanist Marxian + Left Nietzschism


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