National Archives and its cronies are a major threat to our lives and we must stand against them w.ip

 I am against the government and making international tourism travel records publicly available

There is absolutely no sane reason for our government or to exploit Americans international travel records. Even if they are dead it is still wrong. Our ancestors and dead loved ones who are in heaven having their whole lives exploited online after they die from their yearbook photos to their international travel records is a major breach of privacy . They cannot rest in peace

So our government and its cronies keep records of our international travel and will make it for all to see in the future. That is big brother, Orwellian and wrong

I want anyone who reading this to help me get all international tourism travel records removed and destroyed by the National Archives and via hacking. We have to send a message to our ingsoc 

I am fine with immigration and emigration records being publicly available but there is no fucking reason for my great Aunt's vacation to Spain to be made publicly available . Her and every American who took a vacation abroad has a right to have their trips remain private since when they took those trips they never imagined our orwellian, fascist, peeping tom, big brother government and its fronts (like would expose their vacations publicly.  

The government and ancestry want to make publicly available all details of our lives, from our yearbook photos, to our international travel records, etc and that is wrong.  It is a slippery slope on steroids and is more proof our government is literally 1984. Privacy is one of the most important human rights and our government and have proven they don't care about our privacy or our consent . They think they own us and that is wrong  Blackrock is behind this and they are a New world order, authoritiarian globalist squad. It makes sense now and geneology is a cultist activity where people worship their dead relatives by having people stan for their dead relatives every move. It is truly sick and twisted


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