I like Bibi (Benjamin Netanyahu) a million more times than I like the evil bigoted degenerate piece of trash Bebe Daniels

Bebe Daniels was a bourgeois, extremely filthy rich, consumerist, valley girl monster who started the downfall of our society. She was almost as disgusting, trashy and evil as **tiKKK toKKK influencers and Only fans sleeze  . 

**note (the KKK for Tik tok is a play on the fact that Tik tok openly promotes anti semetic conspiracy theories and right wing anti semetism . Despite Israel's good relations with China this is scary. In Germany tik tok has been used by fascist authoritarian Germanic HUNNISH anti 'zionist' trolls in Germany to harass Jews in ways they haven't seen since they were in Egypt under Pharoah (who was an anti semite in his own right)

Bebe Daniels in film and in life had things the vast majority of the country didn't:  she flew on planes in the 1920s (over 90 percent of Americans did not fly on airplanes in the 1920s or 1930s but she did). 

That is like today where celebs and 1 percenters ride on their gas guzzling private glorified aerial Chernobyls jets all the time (to the point where I look at celebs and the rich of the rich as being real life versions of the Jetsons since they fly in their private Jets as much as the Jetsons fly in their flying cars in the cartoon) while the 99 percent of us normal folk are 'lucky' to fly once every few years

Quick aside, though to be fair to one such Richy rich private Jet setter, former VP Al Gore,  him flying on private Jets all the time doesn't bother me anymore. I mean sure Gore is killing the planet majority by his private Jet escapades , but Gore flying on private Jets all the time serves a purpose. It allows for him to observe the climate crisis in real time frequently which allows Al Junior to give us timely updates on the conditions our planet from 30,000 feet up to allow us to be able to be up to date on our efforts to combat climate change. 

More things Bebe Jack Daniels did that the normal folk didn't do in her time due to Bebe Daniels being a rich, bourgeois proto Hollywood asshole: She roller skated (which was something only extremely wealthy people did in the early 20th century. Good luck finding anyone living in Appalachia in the Carolinas for example in the 1910s or 1920s who roller skated. Those particular persons back then probably never even heard of roller skating), she snow skied, she traveled abroad on vacation,  etc.

I am going to eliminate every part of pop culture that features stupid dumb pieces like the comparison piece below. I will abolish that trash since that trash is a virus that is infecting our society for decades

I will use rioting , direct action and being arrested to do so and I am not above using illegal means to that. I cannot allow society to be dumbed down anymore like it has been since trailer trash white supremacist Hollywood freaks like this retard below started this degenerate trend in the early 1920s. She helped destroy Christianity with that and I will make her and anyone who is inspired by her suffer and pay for it

Bebe Daniels is evil and wrong for doing this stupid dumb retarded 'comparison' below. This garbage comparison she did below for that magazine was and still is degeneracy, pop culture JUNK and helped create and spread the seeds for this demonic, evil pop culture we have been enslaved to by 'globalists' and government corporate fascists since at least the 1980s.   She should suffer for doing dumb things like this comparison piece.  

Daniels looks like a piece of trash in this pic and she looks like a piece of trash in most of her pathetic trashy films. Most of her films are lost because she sucked as an actress, her films were terrible and she was butt ugly, pompous, bourgeois, and started evil descendant trends that have destroyed the moral fabric of our society. She deserves to be burned in eggingy. I will burn her dead body after I dig it up and steal it. I will destroy her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  She is a disgrace to humanity and our world would have been better if she was never born

The few things woke people do correctly is that woke people rightfully don't worship and fellate over 'Golden Era Hollywood' and its media, celebrities and culture. This is because woke people can get stuff from that era people were mass brainwashed to love (like Gone with the Wind, Dr Seuss, Kate Smith etc) cancelled like it never was famous to begin with.
Sure I had the wokies reasons behind it but I am happy with the result, they are snapping society out of its sick boner for 'Golden era of Hollywood' and anything early 20th century. It's time we cancel this mutt Bebe Daniels too

Bebe Daniels was a racist pig who supported the KKK and Confederacy just like her parents and their parents. Bebe Daniel's family had Indentured Servants.  

Bebe Daniels hated poc. She mocked and stereotyped Arabs, Asians, etc in her films, to the point that I have to believe she helped create the negative (and untrue) stereotypes we have of Arabs and Asians today.

 In the pic above, when I die and get to heaven, I will beat up Bebe Daniels in heaven so badly and harshly, she will have the same injuries and pain in 1 week that Mick Foley has had his entire career (IN just 1 week). Bebe Daniels is the mother of the influencer , only fan wh***e fest we are suffering under, and she should pay for that

Just check out  this bigots racist rolls  

I am going to Hollywood and I will remove her star of Fame . She isn't a celebrity, nobody knows or wants to know who she is. Her fame has passed and in a few centuries or millennia all our so called celebrities except a few will also fade into obscurity like the rest of us where these narcissist animals belong

I am going to make Bebe Daniels suffer dearly for doing this comparison above and her having drag queens in her 'films' (the reason she was in so many short films was because she was so ugly and repulsing the director wanted her on camera as little as possible).  Bebe Daniels career tanked after 1954 because some people who were under the spell by our consumerist globalist, neoliberal elite government snapped out of it and realized she was uglier than most women in the US and abroad and that her acting skills were as good as Christopher Knight from the Brady Bunch's opera singing

This is a work in progress and I will rip into Bebe Daniels sick disgusting role in Campus Flirt next. I also think the film Kidd's Kids would have been a great film if someone other than that literal piece of dirt (since she is dead) Bebe Daniels didn't do that film. Bebe ruined that movie just like she ruined every film and tv show that waste of space animal touched.

"In 1934, Daniels and husband Ben Lyon, whom she had married in June 1930, garnered press attention while having to testify against Albert F. Holland, a 36-year-old World War I veteran with a history of stalking Daniels.[9] Holland had been under the delusion that he had attended school with Daniels and that they had married in Mexico in 1925.[9] In 1931, he broke into Daniels' hotel room in San Francisco, confronting and terrifying her, and he had to be removed by security. He was arrested and committed to the Arizona State Asylum. Holland escaped from the institution in 1932, and he began sending more than 150 threatening letters to Daniels. Arrested again, he was placed in a psychiatric institution.

Following his release, another confrontation took place, and Holland was again arrested. A lengthy trial in Los Angeles took place, with Holland conducting most of his own defense, including a lengthy cross-examination of Daniels' husband Ben Lyon. Actress Doris Kenyon, a friend of Daniels and Lyon, testified for the prosecution. Ultimately, the jury found Holland to be mentally unfit, and he was committed to a psychiatric facility for an indefinite period. Daniels and Lyon then moved to London.[10]"  The fact that Bebe Daniels made internalized misygonist trash films which set back women's rights decades like 'Campus Flirt' it is no wonder that guys would stalk her and in Albert Holland's case, I can't blame him one bit

I wish he would have Rebecca Schaffer'd  Bebe Daniels in the 1930s to rid the world of this demonic influence.


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