Pol Partyist thought

Dealigned political ideology includes me being part of the Homeless Left/Politically Houseless  (but me having one foot in with this Ult Democratic Party ideology the same way that fellow leftist Camilla Vallejo has one foot in the street so to speak while still being a professional politician)

I don't care about the success or failure of any political party in the US. I have my own agenda in politics that doesn't follow party lines or ideology lines. I help politicians of all parties if it pushes my agenda forward . I prefer to “go my own way" as opposed to letting my ideas be influenced by those around me

If forced I will say that I support the Democratic-Republican Party and that is who I vote for in all elections /s

I support the AskaLiberal Democratic spaces 

Political movements need to be inspired by MLK with a universal image of humanity, which transcends all ethnic-racial differences and barriers. This is why I support Inclusive Democracy

There is a creative method we can use to force our country to be socialistic : Left Acceleration 

Left Acceleration means by accelerating Capitalism to it's absolute lowest point, a true socialistic society can finally pursue (in a way that would make Ayn Rand proud. Ayn Rand said that the moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness [i.e rational egoism] and that the only social system consistent with this type of morality is a system that displays full respect for individual rights embodied in laissez-faire economic liberalism i.e freedom of economics)

This is because a full maturation of capitalism is the precondition for a socialist realization . To quote Rosa L “ Capitalism, as a result of its own inner contradictions, moves toward a point when it will be unbalanced, when it will simply become impossible” 

The highest stage of development Capitalism would need to become a singular aspect of all of society and develop so extremely that our society does a 180 to become a Left Wing socialistic society 

But before we do Left Acceleration we would need a stronger democratic and civil society since economic liberalization is only sustainable to left accelerate us with strong democratic and civil society in place. Negative rights and free markets can be compatible in such specific scenarios and cases, and also complementary, to the concepts of  Social Justice.

Even though I am an American, I support (and am an overseas member of) the Labour Party UK, especially these factions: Keir Starmer Labour/Tony Benn type of variable Labour, Jeremy Corybn Labour, Jewish Voice for Labour

Third Way SocDems/New Labour, One Nation Labour

Blue Labour, Authoricommunitarian/a Post type of version this Labour Party (https://archive.ph/h3QgQ) fanfic party (which is the Conservative Republican type of Labour Party I falsely thought the Labour Party was in the late 2010s/2021 before I found out they were left of the Conservative Party UK)

I would like a return of the Social Democratic Federation but as a wing of the Labour Party UK via Momentum adopting their ideology by moving leftward (similar to a Sandi Toksvig Liberal Democrat party)

While I joke about the Tories, I like Sandi Toksvig believe that former UK PM Theresa May is "a good person"

I support Podemos (Podemitism)

I mainly support Social Democrats USA and I am using my platform here and here, along with other methods to make the Social Democrats USA as mainstream nationally as the Democratic and Republican Parties are currently mainstream nationally (Support for Third U.S. Political Party Up to 63%)

One way I am trying to do this is by abolishing the Republican Party due to their culture wars distracting (via moral panics) the Democrats from implementing real class and economic progress. Hopefully this forces the Democratic Party to go back to being as Big Tent as they were many decades ago (work in progress)

I also support the Libertarian Party (Libertarian Socialist faction/Utopian version of the Mises caucus) and the Communist Party US

For these reasons, I also vote for Third Political Parties (like herehere, here, here) but in the primaries and then I switch to the Democratic Party, Social Democrats USA, LP or Communist Party endorsed Democrats in the main elections

I am fine with the Democratic Party as I mention here. When I criticize the Democratic party in these private blogs I am criticizing the B-H Clinton/Ny Pelosi/Bk Obama kleptocracy which I am against . I am against the fictional 'Democrat' party

I support Bernie Sanders type of Independent Democrats and these type of Indie Democrats 

I support The Squad (non Obamafied only)/Anti War type of Democrats ,

,Populists (including Dean Phillips DemocratsEric Adams Democrats and Marianne Williamson Democrats), Democratic Patriots [like Hakeem Jeffriesthis pro Israel uniparty coalition, Chris Coons though the other way, and modern MDWG Dems] and Libertarians in the Democratic Party,  Boll weevil Democrats, modern day PUMAs, Class Unity Caucus-Democratic Socialists of America party within the Democrat Party , Walk Away Movement Post Democrats  (including : these post Democrats, this post Democrat, The Vote Blue Jewish Democrats who are growing more and more upset with the Democratic Party for tolerating the zealously pro Palestinian (bordering on pro Hamas), crudely Anti Zionist Democrat faction

Joe Biden has done a lot of good as President.I am glad how he is more like a dove than a hawk. I like how his Bidenomics is a Big Tent and Social Capital ideology (that is thankfully NOT neoliberal) which matches by economic views (see here). 

I love how Joe Biden is a Radical Centrist which means he is able to work with people across the aisle or on the left  (he worked with Dixie Democrats in the 1970s and 1980s , The Squad/DSA, movement Conservatives as President. He tried to deradicalize and humanize Trumpism to make those policies work from the left. Also if Joe Biden would make Bernie Sasnders labor secretary (as mentioned here) I would then be more of a cheerleader for Joe Biden than Bernie Sanders

I admit as a Bernie Sanders supporter, I give Joe Biden credit for at least trying to implement some of Bernie’s policies as President. I am pleased that Biden has been more Bernie Sanders like than Hillary Clinton would have been as President. But Biden is still an Anti Bernie Sanders politician who isn’ even close to being like Bernie Sanders and as Bernie Sanders supporters, we can do way better than Joe Biden

Though this article gives me hope that Joe Biden might really be the next best thing to Bernie Sanders as President. This is because article says that Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders meet in the middle and have defined and pragmatic common goals

Maybe Bernie Sanders can help Joe Biden not be racist and be like Bernie Sanders on race issues (Bernie was a black civil rights activist in the 1960s). 

I like how Joe Biden is small government (i.e that he takes his time to react to huge news stories, that he doesn't exploit every news story, that he doesn't impose himself into our political culture as much as DJT, Barack Obama, GWB etc). I like Joe Biden as a Person, I like how Joe Biden enjoys crossing the isle and working with people he heavily disagrees with. 

But inflation, consumer purchasing index and Joe Biden not doing a better job selling Bidenomics, some cases of Bidenomics slipping into cringe Neoliberalism, the gripes with Joe Biden below, his mental state (I also criticize DJT's mental state also, but DJT is deranged not because of his age but because he is Donald Trump) has me considering not supporting Joe Biden in 2024

Just ask my parents how much I praise Joe Biden, but when I see so many people going after him from his own sphere (MSM for one and many others), and I see the unenthusiam even his most ardent supporters have for him, it makes me think

Some of my unfiltered views of Joe Biden can be found here: https://6pol6iticsforme.blogspot.com/2023/04/exh-joe-biden.html

Gripes with Joe Biden:

Although we exist to dunk on the right-wing, posts or comments supporting Joe Biden, AOC, liberalism, and the Democrats are not allowed. The Democrats are NOT left-wing and do not give a shit about the working class, so don't embrace them.

RightCantMeme Reminder J Biden is not left wing








https://6pol6iticsforme.blogspot.com/2023/03/exh-dffdfk.html (Blog 1 political organizing)

https://6pol6iticsforme.blogspot.com/2023/03/general-pol-ideolo.html (Blog 1 political party views)

https://fotrvtytfhhngdd.blogspot.com/2022/11/exh-grbytbtrfgytff.html (Blog 1 transcending polemic partiacracies)


 + https://too320902309blogsecondsection.blogspot.com/ (Hyperreal blog, type in Joe Biden [like here/here], or Donald Trump/45/DJT [like here/here])

Democrat pollster: Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, LGBTQ+ community, Gen Z, millennials, unmarried and college women give Trump higher approval ratings than Biden. [3] (let's take those groups and create a third political party that all of them support as an alternative to both Joe Biden and DJT, otherwise them and me are disenfranchised by our  Inverted Totalitarianism 'Democracy' (a theory coined by Sheldon Wolin)

Yes as Eric said social media, Joe Biden maybe be real bad but he is still better than DJT, and Joe Biden lied about seeking a 2nd term. President Biden is sadly also at times Mr neo-con lite . With that said at the very least Joe will still get me praising him online throughout 2024 which boosts his re election bid). The alternative (Trump) is unthinkable.

BUT unthinkable?, relax, the doomsdayers about DJT winning in the polls sound unhinged tbh. The world isn’t ending if Donald Trump somehow wins again just like the world didn’t end last time he won.

I support Dr Cornel West for President as it is now. 

Though, Gavin Newsom impressed me with his debate with Ron Desantis and interview with Sean Hannity. So he weathered those storms and sold me on him at least as Governor of California, if not also for President. When I went to San Francisco in 2009, Gavin Newsom's 'Welcome to San Francisco' card in the room inspired me to enjoy taking in San Francisco and being in San Francisco even more than I was beforehand.

Gavin Newsome: If Gavin is serious about making red states become literally like California by force I can get on board with that. If red states are to move left might as well go radlib like California. This way Gavin and the coastal elites can no longer trash red states.

This ad by Gavin actually seems pretty base and cool. Make him seem like a good non Liberal 2.0 politician

Gavin Newsome might get a pass for his extreme Liberalism 2.0 due to it being an emergency response due to California’s vast inequality issues (or maybe Liberalism 2.0 caused those vast inequalities in California like a chicken or an egg thing);but Newsome takes that and runs with it. 

Gavin Newsome is the very image of Liberalism 2.0 even though as mentioned he has an excuse due to California’s vast inequality issues.  

Of course San Francisco is flooded with petty crimes especially theft, muggings , hi profile murders, homeless people all over the place (we need more people like Elon Musk in SF to create makeshift bedrooms for homeless people) etc. But hey SF cleans up temporarily when highly questionable, opportunist, anti religious, Mr Potter like strongmen/strong women leaders like Xi Jinping come to town. How pathetic

If you are a global citizen who cares about our country and world, if you love the youth of the nation like I know u do, use grass roots direct action, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates from the top down to the bottom of the 2024 ticket who you have faith to protect our self determination, abide by UN International Law and Common Good Constitutionalism , upholds for our rights of us Americans and put our needs before the needs of people in other countries (like in Israel, Ukraine, Somalia, Taiwan etc)

The only type of Republicans  I would support are :

1980s Alex Keaton Republicans: The Republicans in the 1980s were a fairly good political party. Back then Republicans were seen as go getter yuppies and business people. 

On Family Ties for example, Alex, who was a Republican was a small-government, pro-capitalist libertarian at heart was a great person unlike some of the Republicans of today. Alex was hip and cool. This article puts it better than I can http://web.archive.org/web/20191011195307/https://www.cracked.com/article_26594_the-classic-sitcom-that-looks-completely-insane-in-2019.html  

Post 1980s Alex Keaton DemCaps: A Republican Party that embraces Mayor Pete's Democratic Capitalism (in real life Michael J Fox supports Mayor Pete) AND Ronald Reagan's Democratic Capitalism

Republicans who like Alex Keaton support aspects of Barack Obama's platform (including this and this)

Republicans who support China's Supply Side reform policy being implemented in the US (also see here, here, here)

1990s Uncle Phil type Republicans: The Republicans in the early to mid 1990s were also a good party. Uncle Phil from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air was a great Republican. He rightfully belived in Affirmative action and fair housing for his community and he was moderately conservative on other issues while rightfully having faith in institutions like the courts.

Non MAGA/Non US Conservative Republicans: Conservatism isn't only the Republican party. There are a lot of decent conservatives worldwide like in Canada, the UK, Germany that have good ideas, most of whom aren't like Donald Trump and MAGA. 


The diverse type of Republicans that the National Review supported pre William Buckley's purge , i.e a Republicans with these type of early National Review purged radicals:

Isolationists (such as John T. Flynn), anti-Zionists, libertarians (including Barry Goldwater types), Ayn Randians, the John Birch Society, etc


Republicans like Thomas Massie, Nikki Haley, Liz Cheney, Ron Paul, Rand Paul (if he becomes more progressive and less status quo), Ron Desantis (alternate history version only)


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